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On 17th January 2008, more than 100 pharmacists packed the lecture hall of Health Promotion Board to witness the appreciation and attend an CE update on the use of varenicline for smoking cessation.


For the fervent efforts and strong commitment towards smoking cessation, 13 pharmacists from various institutions that have implemented pharmacist-led smoking cessation clinic were nominated to receive the recognition of their professional contribution towards this worthy public health efforts. The ceremony was held as a breakfast event so that more of our colleagues could attend and return to work thereafter.

President of PSS-Ng Cheng Tiang; and Deputy Director of HPB National Smoking Control Programme-Ms. Choo Lin addressed the event; and in the speech, they acknowledged the contribution and thanked all pharmacists who have contributed selflessly towards making smoking cessation one of their professional duties and contribution to help reduce Singapore’s smoking prevalence.


Three pharmacists - Kng Kwee Keng;  Chong Jiun Yih  &  Lee Weng Chee - also shared their valuable experience in the provision of smoking cessation services and the various challenges they faced. Such vivid, real-life experience certainly benefits more of our colleagues in better understanding their role as a “quit consultant” and at the same time inspire those who plan to embark into this specialized area of cognitive service.

On behalf of PSS, we would like to again thank all members who have been so committed in providing the smoking cessation services. Congratulations to the following pharmacists who received the recognition:

1. Cheong Peng Yiang - Unity
2. Tan Mei Yuen - Unity
3. Eddy Lim  - NUH
4. Chong Jiun Yih – NHG Pharmacy
5. Bandy Goh Qiu Ling – NHG Pharmacy
6. Yang Silin – KKWCH
7. Kng Kwee Keng – TTSH
8. Lim Hong Yee – TTSH
9. Lee Weng Chee – Watson’s
10. Lee Yee Ming  - Alexandra Hospital
11. Claudine Oh – Alexandra Hospital
12. Cassandra Chang – Guardian
13. Esther Huang Peien - Guardian


We also would like to thank HPB for the firm support all these years in the form of training provision, project guidance etc. Through these, pharmacists can be better equipped in skills, materials and preparedness for more professional-led smoking cessation practice.




