The Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore (PSS) is the professional organisation representing pharmacists in Singapore. Founded in 1905 as the Straits Pharmaceutical Society, today it is steered by an elected council comprising of a president and 11 council members. Our membership comprises of pharmacists practicing in the community, hospital, marketing/sales/ distribution and academic sectors. PSS is a non-profit organisation.
The mission of PSS is to “Maximise the contribution of pharmacists to the healthcare of Singaporeans”. To this end, we have adopted a two-pronged strategy - to upgrade pharmacists professionally and to reach out to the public through health education programmes.
The society aims to provide Singaporeans with high quality pharmaceutical services, which emphasise safe, efficacious and cost effective drug treatments.
As the professional body for pharmacists, we run a comprehensive year-long continuing education programme which all members are strongly encouraged to participate in and keep updated professionally. The PSS continuing education accreditation scheme is voluntary. To meet the specialised needs of our practitioners, we organise aseptic dispensing and diabetes care courses regularly. These programmes attract a large number of participants from the region like Hong Kong, Brunei and Indonesia. The PSS is responsible for conducting training sessions for pre-registration pharmacists under the society’s pre-registration pharmacist training programme. The society also runs a certified hospital pharmacy technician course.
Since 1988, we have established the PSS Overseas Study Award where we identify promising pharmacists and, through sponsorship, send them to be trained at overseas centres of excellence including the Mayo Clinic (USA), Cleveland Clinic Foundation (USA), University of Minnesota (USA), and Peter McCallum Institute (Aust). On their return, our award recipients are expected to train fellow pharmacists so that their learnings can be shared and cascaded down to their peers.
The flagship of the PSS is our electronic bulletin (eBulletin) published every month, featuring articles and happenings within PSS' professional, pharmaceutical issues and clinical developments.