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In this month’s issue, PSS Hospital Chapter interviews Mr Yeoh Siang Fei, a Senior Principal Clinical Pharmacist from National University Hospital. He is a well-respected critical care pharmacist with 14 years of experience in the adults’ intensive care unit (ICU) and 5 years in pediatrics’ ICU and today, he will be sharing his experience working in the field of critical care.


  1. What are some of your day to day duties e.g. special services, rounds that are offered in your role as an ICU pharmacist?

    In the ICU, I attend rounds on a daily basis, where I give opinions on treatment plans for each patient. I adopt a holistic approach when it comes to caring for my patients. For example, even before the patient arrives in the ICU, I will look through patient’s medical history, relevant background and the current related problem leading to the ICU admission. I will have organ-specific plans and integrate my plans with pharmacodynamics/pharmacokinetics of the drugs. This is to individualise and practise precision medicine for patients.

  2. What are some of the challenges that pharmacists working in critical care might face and can you share with us the approaches used to overcome them ?

    ICU patients are very dynamic. Physiological changes occur very quickly and so we have to be more alert and be able to follow patient’s latest conditions well. With the help of monitoring and charting systems, we are able to monitor patient’s progress on an hourly basis. I will incorporate the patient’s per hour progress and overall status to make good decision planning.

  3. As a pharmacist working in critical care, what are some of the latest clinical practice updates or projects which you would like to share with fellow pharmacists? What resources would you like to recommend to those who want to learn more about your field of practice?

    I would advise fellow pharmacists to follow latest journal publications. I would also encourage pharmacists to refer to two major conferences, which are the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) and European ICU meetings to keep up-to-date on latest progresses in clinical practice. However, pharmacists must learn how to decipher studies, understand their strengths and weaknesses and not follow blindly. I am involved in multidisciplinary approach projects e.g. working on trials and process improvement activities such as improving drug administration. In terms of resources, I would recommend primary journals and book references such as ‘Principles of Critical Care’ and ‘Current Opinion in Intensive Care’. I will select relevant information and integrate with primary journal updates. ICU pharmacists need to have wide knowledge in the area of drugs and disease states. Lastly, I would encourage pharmacists to continue to enjoy learning and have passion in your work.



Mr Yeoh Siang Fei
Senior Principal Clinical Pharmacist
National University Hospital