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Ms Lam Cai Hong was nominated as a Shining Star as part of the PSS initiative

1. Why did you choose pharmacy as your profession?

I wanted to enter healthcare to aid in the recovery of sickness. I actually wanted to enter medicine at first but along the way, I settled for pharmacy and am happy with the decision I made.

 2. Why did you choose to be a community pharmacist?

I chose to be a community pharmacist because I love to interact with people. The retail setting gives me a better pace to interact with my customers. There are also more opportunities to interact and establish rapport with my customers.

3. What helped/ motivated you to be where you are today?

A good working environment and good colleagues. Also, there are good customers who eventually become my friends. This gives me the motivation to stay passionate in my work.

4. Who would you say is your role model, who inspired you to excel in the pharmacy field that you choose?

My preceptor during my preceptorship was very joyful. She told me that even if you do not know something, you must find your own ways to learn something new or solve the seemingly difficult problem.

5. What is your advice for your fellow pharmacists and for people who are considering this career?

Even though we are professionals, we are still serving the public. You must like your job. Being in pharmacy is not that glamorous, you need the passion to keep you going.

6. Given that Singapore will be experiencing one in three citizens aged 65 and above by 2030, how do you think pharmacists can contribute to the healthcare of this group of people?

Pharmacists are very accessible. Most importantly, we are friendly and we offer free consultation. When people want to know about minor ailments, they can approach us. Therefore, I think that we are a useful group of people that the elderly can approach.

7. What is the most memorable moment in your pharmacy career?

When customers become my friends and a simple “Thank you” or appreciation is enough to brighten our day as we manage to help them in some way. This holds special meaning for me.

8. Describe your career progression path.

I started off as a hospital pharmacist. I did my Pre-Registration at Tan Tock Seng Hospital and then I served as a Registered Pharmacist in Mount Elizabeth Hospital for two years. After that, I wanted a change in environment and therefore I decided to switch to a retail setting. Hence, I came over to Unity. I was promoted to senior pharmacist and I carried out more portfolio including more coaching roles and organizing company events like Dinner and Dance. I teach the NUS Pharmacy students and also coach some polytechnic students who are training to be pharmacy technicians. In addition, I also train the Pre- Registered Pharmacists.

9. Can you describe a typical day at work?

Customers walk up to my counter and I will ask them about their condition and the medicines that they are taking ( if any) before recommending the medication best suited for their condition. Some customers might have requests for medicines which need to be specially ordered and I will have to handle them separately. I also have to check my email regularly for any updates from the headquarters.Answering phone calls is also part of my job scope as some customers might call to ask about their medications.

10. What do you think are the important skills that a pharmacist needs to be equipped?

A pharmacist needs to be patient and empathetic towards patients. Also, pharmacists need to be able to multi-task, manage different situations and stress levels.

11. What is your wish list to your patients/ the public who comes to you?

We can only help to advice for their queries on medications and/or conditions. It is a partnership between the patient and the healthcare professionals, so patients have to take charge of their own health.


Customers' Compliment of Ms Lam Cai Hong

Shining Stars is a PSS initiative to showcase our role models in community pharmacy