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• Neuropsychotic Adverse Events Possibly Associated with Tamiflu


• Neuropsychotic Adverse Events Possibly Associated with Tamiflu

As the the threat of H1N1 flu pandemic looming in sync with northern hemisphere entering into autumn and winter, the use of anti-viral for the tratment of flu is expected to increase.
Predictively, HSA has received 6 reports of neuropsychiatric events including reports of disorientation, incoherent speech, hallucination and suicidal ideation suspected to be associated with Tamiflu from 2005 to 2009, 4 of which were reported recently. Developments of neuropsychiatric events associated with Tamiflu was first alerted by Japanese to their authrotiy (MLHW).
The public is advised not to be unduly alarmed and to consult their doctor should they experience any adverse reaction during treatment with Tamiflu. For more information, For more information, please click here.




