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NUH Pharmacy Manager and our PSS Past-President, Mr. Wu Tuck Seng was recently awarded the NHG Contributor Award.


He was among the winners of the NHG Outstanding Citizenship Award given to commend NHG clinicians who have contributed outside of their area of clinical expertise to help NHG achieve its strategic goals and improvement.

Under Tuck Seng, NUH pharmacy embarked on many successful projects including e-prescription and anticoagulation clinics. He also does extensive voluntary work.

“I became a pharmacist because I wanted to help people with medicine. Hence, volunteer work is just a natural extension of my work since patients are my only focus!” His experience as a volunteer for the tsunami relief mission in 2005 made him realise just how fortunate Singaporeans are in being spared from such devastation and suffering!


Tuck Seng and his wife Rufina.

He makes it a point to jog regularly. Participating in the Singapore marathon since 2004 has not only kept him healthy but also trained up his patience and endurance. Tuck Seng also shared that he is lucky to have a supportive family, which shows much understanding towards his busy schedule.

On behalf of PSS, we wish to congratulate Tuck Seng  and thank him for his tireless contribution to the practice and profession.





