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The Commonwealth Pharmaceutical Association (CPA)) held its scientific conference recently with Malaysian Pharmaceutical Society (MPS) playing host to this international conference.


The Majestic Twin Towers of KL
KL played host to the pharmacists from Commonwealth countries.





Deputy Minister of Health of M'sia officiating the Event.



The conference was held between 1-5 Aug. 2007 in Parkroyal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. The event was attended by some 350 delegates from various commonwealth countries. The opening ceremony was graced by the Deputy Health Minister of Malaysia. This Conference also marked the end of the term for the present Council. A new CPA Council was elected during the last day of the conference with Mr. Ivan Kotzé from South Africa successfully elected to head the CPA. One of the most important resolution passed during the Council Meeting was to change the name of the Commonwealth Pharmaceutical Association to the Commonwealth Pharmacists Association


Voting for the New CPA Council



Time to catch up with Aussie & M'sian friends.


PSS is a member organization to CPA and our liaison with CPA has been Mr. Wu Tuck Seng who attended the Conference together with PSS President and Past President, Mr. Ng Cheng Tiang and Dr. Camilla Wong respectively. No oral or poster presentation was fielded by Singapore, but it was a very insightful trip in rapport building, scouting for conference ideas and identifying potential speakers and collaborators for our work. There was also a side meeting for the FAPA Bureau meeting to update about the FAPA 2008 Conference in Singapore, and also discuss other issues.


FAPA 2008 update & Bureau Meeting.


Then, there were plenty of serious stuff as well outside the meeting room; interspersed with more serious business like hospital visit.


Seem impressive & equally serious in karaoke...!



Selayang Hospital Visit


The next CPA Conference will be held in 2009 Ghana, Africa, the world’s great producer of raw material for chocolate, cocoa.


Handing over to the next host, from current President to the Newly Elected One.



Friends at the farewell dinner.
Sing along by the Malaysian host... till we meet again!







