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The PSS Retreat 2022 took place on 29th October, Saturday, at the Centre for Healthcare Innovation. Organized by the PSS 116th Council, the event was attended by the Chief Pharmacist of the Ministry of Health, Dr Camilla Wong, current and future pharmacy leaders from various sectors, and young PSS volunteer pharmacists. The aim of the retreat was to discuss strategic directions and plans for the society in the next 3 years (2023-2025).

The session was kickstarted by PSS President, Dr Vivianne Shih, who gave the welcome address, followed by Dr Camilla’s talk titled Riding on the Forces of Change, which gave participants a brief overview on the National Pharmacy Strategy, the integration of Pharmacy services into the Healthier SG strategy, and also PHARMFORCE. It was established that PSS would be a key partner in achieving the goals of the PHARMAFORCE initiative.

The participants were then split into smaller groups to discuss the following topics:

  • Voice of the Profession
  • Healthier SG
  • PSS Membership


The general consensus was that stakeholder buy-in is critical to achieve these goals. These stakeholders include both internal pharmacy clients at all levels of the profession and external audience including the patient population, industry partners and government bodies. The Pharmacy Leadership would need to set the short and long term strategic directions, communicating and aligning with the pharmacy community, so as to deepen our value proposition to our external customers. PSS would work to be the platform connecting all pharmacists towards a common goal.

By Ms Vernadine Goh