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BPharm(Hons) represents the NUS Pharmacy Department’s response to shifts in healthcare. Rising healthcare costs, a shift from care in the acute to community settings, automation and delivery services as well as the ageing population have resulted in the need for Pharmacists to develop new attitudes, knowledge, skills and competencies.

BPharm(Hons) curriculum was designed to integrate between the basic, clinical and (health) systems sciences, spiralling in complexity as a student advances through their undergraduate study. Pre-Employment Clinical Training (PECT) will now extend into the first 3 years of undergraduate study, complementing the classroom’s didactic activities. Students will be guided through carefully crafted experiential learning within health systems - first learning concepts and skills in class and then observing those in the real world of practice. They will be taken through an end-of-activity debrief and reflection exercises by their dedicated facilitator to contextualise their learning at the sites. To find out more, click to watch the “Ethos of BPharm(Hons) and PECT” video and gain more insights into how it will be done!

Written by A/Prof Doreen Tan.