Know Your Medicines
Are there any specific medicines to prevent or treat COVID-19? 是否有预防或治疗COVID-19的特效药?

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To date, there is no specific medicine recommended to prevent or treat the new coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.

However, those infected with the virus should receive appropriate care to relieve and treat symptoms, and those with severe illness should receive optimized supportive care. Some specific treatments are under investigation and would be started under medical supervision and care.







Authored by / 作者

Dr Wang Aiwen & Dr Doreen Tan Su-Yin / 王爱文 与 陈素音
Members of Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore / 新加坡药剂师协会会员

感谢 台湾年轻药师协会(Taiwan Young Pharmacists Group) 与林雪芬(Ms Stephenie Lim) 药剂师  协力翻译