Chapter Updates
Hospital Chapter

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Hospital Chapter


Ex-Officio :

Ms Lim Hong Yee


Chairperson :

Ms Tan Sock Hoon


Co-chairperson :

Ms Yap Min Yi


Members :

Ms Ang Bee Hwee

Dr Fabian Aw Wei Long

Ms Lim Siow Yu

Ms Loh Guek Leng 

Ms Mendy Ong Wai Ming  

Dr Leticia Peh Xyn Yen

Dr Karmen Quek

Ms Melissa Tan Jia Hui


Objectives :

1. The committee is to serve in the best interest of hospital pharmacists.

2. The committee serves to build up rapport among hospital pharmacists through networking and other activities. 

3. To initiate and maintain special interest groups that provide a platform whereby hospital pharmacists can interact and grow professionally.

The chapter serves the best interests of hospital pharmacists as well as to build rapport among them through networking. It aims to encourage sharing of clinical knowledge and updates between pharmacists from different hospitals. The chapter also aims to provide a platform for different institutions to share best practices and ideas for improvement projects.


Click HERE for Hospital Chapter's Terms of Reference

Activities :

(1) Online case studies

Pharmacists who are experts in their respective fields are invited to contribute case studies that will be posted online. This series of case studies will help to provide pharmacists with the latest developments in different fields. Pharmacists who engage in this activity can claim CPE credits at the same time. 


(2) “In the Spotlight”

Pharmacists who have excelled in their areas of practice will be featured under “In the Spotlight”.

This serves to inspire young pharmacists and to allow pharmacists with the same interests to gain networking opportunities.


(3) Platform for engagement of all pharmacy stakeholders

Pharmacy leaders, pharmacists and pharmacy support staff will be engaged from time-to-time for continual development & networking activities.


(4) Workshops and study groups

Special workshops / study groups will be organized from time-to-time to allow pharmacists with the same interests to pursue common goals together, in order to bring pharmacy practice to higher levels.

What we have done in Year 2019

Postgraduate Education Forum

We conducted our first forum on postgraduate opportunities, “Postgraduate Education: Am I Ready?” for fellow pharmacists in May 2019. We hoped to raise awareness of available postgraduate opportunities, especially for the younger pharmacists who may still be undecided about their career paths. Invited speakers for the forum were Associate Professor Christine Teng and Dr Fabian Aw who shared on the PharmD programme, Mr Ng Boon Tat who shared his experience in the Masters in Clinical Pharmacy programme, Mr Choo Jun Hao who shared about the Masters in Public Health programme and lastly, Ms Lim Hong Yee who shared about her experience in the Masters in Business Administration programme. The event was well attended by 32 pharmacists and pharmacy students. We also had a fruitful networking session among the pharmacists and speakers during lunch at the end of the session.


National Collaborative Prescribing Programme CE

We have also organised our first CE session, “National Collaborative Prescribing Programme (NCPP) - Is it for me?” in early November this year. The main objectives of the CE were: 1) To increase awareness of NCPP among pharmacists, and 2) To describe and understand how NCPP can empower pharmacists to provide better care to patients. Faculty member, Ms Wong Yee May, opened the CE with an overview of NCPP. She elaborated on the objectives of the programme, its framework and requirements, and encouraged participants to consider the value of NCPP and the needs of their institutions. The session was followed by the sharing of experiences by two collaborative prescribing practitioners - Mr Lim Teong Guan and Dr Dennis Chua Chin Wee. The CE was attended by 79 participants, with representatives not only from hospital but also from the community as well. Attendees actively participated in the question and answer section, generating further interests in the programme. We have routed the enquiries brought up during the CE session to Ms Wong Yee May as feedback for the MOH collaborative prescribing committee.



Contributions to PSS bulletins

The chapter has been proactive in publishing new articles in PSS bulletins regularly to keep pharmacists updated. The contents varied from showcasing excellent pharmacist role models from various hospitals to featuring quality improvement projects in the different institutions.

  1. “In the Spotlight”

    This was an initiative by PSS to feature hospital pharmacists who have served as excellent role models to fellow pharmacists. We hope to encourage and inspire the younger generation of hospital pharmacists through the series of interview questions posted to these outstanding pharmacists to appreciate the values behind their practice and their experience during this professional journey. The hospital pharmacists whom we have featured in the past year were: Dr Chan Hong Ngee from Singapore General Hospital and Ms Lim Hong Yee from Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

  2. Clinical/Practice Updates

    Four articles have been published in PSS bulletin this year for “In conversation with specialty pharmacists”. The specialty areas presented were Infectious Diseases in Paediatrics, Community Care, Critical Care and Pharmacogenomics. We hope that pharmacists, especially juniors, will be able to appreciate what pharmacists in different specialties do through this sharing and thus, inspire them to pursue their own interests in the various clinical areas.

  3. Sharing of Best Practice

    Under this initiative, Hospital Chapter aimed to create a platform to showcase new pharmacy-related projects and initiatives. The objective was to share these project ideas with the other pharmacists so that we can learn from one another and improve pharmacy practice to move the profession forward.Project initiatives shared this year were: 1) Medication Supply Verification from TTSH and 2) Transforming end-to-end refill/repeat medication order and delivery service to patients and caregiver from Singhealth cluster.

Social Media

As social media becomes an integral part of our life, we decided to create a Facebook page for Hospital Chapter to allow sharing of latest news and guidelines relevant to hospital pharmacists. This platform has also been used as an avenue to publicise PSS related events to expand our circle of influence. We will continue to promote this Facebook page in our subsequent Hospital Chapter events to gather more followers to make it more effective.

Upcoming projects

With good feedback from the postgraduate education forum, we are planning to organise a second run of the postgraduate education forum. We are planning to share on the new PharmD curriculum, as well as to include Masters of Science in Data Analytics in the upcoming session. The event will be combined with our recruitment drive in hope to attract young pharmacists to join PSS and Hospital Chapter.

We are also currently working with Young Pharmacist Chapter to embark on volunteering services for Calvary Community Care. The objectives are to extend voluntary pharmacist services to the community and to instil volunteerism amongst pharmacists.

Hospital Chapter will continue to upkeep the existing portfolios and introduce new ideas/initiatives to ensure that we continue to stay relevant for our hospital pharmacists.


Our Christmas Gathering!
(Left column from front to back: Hong Yee, Fabian, Sock Hoon, Siow Yu
Right column from front to back: Karmen, Leticia, Bee Hwee, Mendy, Min Yi)