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PSS proudly congratulates Mr Ng Cheng Tiang on receiving the esteemed Alumni Association Gold Medal Award for his exceptional service to the Alumni Association.

A distinguished leader and visionary, Mr Ng’s significant contributions to the Alumni Association, highlighted by his roles as Treasurer, Honorary Secretary, Chairman-Elect, and ultimately Chairman in 2020, reflect his unwavering commitment. He played a pivotal role in steering the Association through financial challenges, demonstrating resilience and strategic acumen. His leadership during the collaboration with CATALYS/Aardvark Lab, resulting in the CATALYST Alumni Association Innovation Programme (CAAIP), also showcased his dedication to advancing medtech incubation initiatives.

Beyond financial stewardship, Mr Ng has made commendable efforts to expand the Alumni Association family, recruit new members, and foster networking within the healthcare community. As a former president of PSS (2006-2008), Mr Ng's leadership was marked by establishing international networks and organising prestigious pharmaceutical conferences. His achievements, including the Professor Lucy Wan's Outstanding Pharmacist Award and Fellowship of PSS, underscore his profound impact on both the pharmaceutical and alumni spheres. PSS would like to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Mr Ng Cheng Tiang, celebrating his remarkable achievements and exemplary service to the Alumni Association.