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Pharmacist's Letter

Pharmacist Letter: May 2016; Vol: 32, No. 5

 Are you a pharmacist interested in adding to your education and knowledge about the latest developments in drug therapy, but hate wasting time? Then we are sure you will love Pharmacist's Letter for its concise, practical information.

In search for online readings for your CPE points? Pharmacist’s Letter is also a recognized online CPE provider by the Singapore Pharmacy Council!

What are you waiting for? Log into the PSS website with your membership number and password to access Pharmacist Letter now! Here are the interesting topics for the month of May 2016

What’s New on Pharmacist Letter: May 2016; Vol: 32, No. 5


Topic of the month: Managing diabetes therapy during fasting

Ramadan, the Muslim fasting month is commencing from the 6th of June to the 5th of July. In this month, fasting may takes place from dusk to dawn. It is vital that pharmacists advise and assist patients with diabetes about the importance of managing their blood sugar levels during a fast and avoid side effects such as hypoglycemia. Learn about the medications that may require adjustments for patients who fast during the Ramadan in this Pharmacist Letter Update

Clinical updates:

  1. Pharmacists can play a key role in achieving and maintaining high levels of immunization, and must therefore stay current on new developments, recommended immunization schedules, and other relevant issues. Get updated on the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommendations from Pharmacist's Letter Online Continuing Education and Webinars - Immunization Update Part 2: Current Vaccine Recommendations 2016


  1. There is an increasing trend of use of Novel Oral Anticoagulants (NOACs) since their introduction. Do you know what are the interactions and how do they compare against each other? Listen to the latest PL Voices, a discussion between editorial members of Pharmacist Letter and the lead author of CHEST guidelines for Perioperative Management of Antithrombotic Therapy


Frequently asked questions at the community pharmacy:

  1. There is itching in my anal region, could it be a worm infection?

Perianal itching is a common symptom of parasitic infections and most commonly caused by the pinworm.  Find out what are the treatment options and advice you can give to your patients in this Pharmacist Letter article on Pinworms (Enterobius vermicularis)


  1. I would like to start on this supplement, but can I take it with my medications?

There are many POTENTIAL interactions between drugs and supplements. Many don't cause noticeable problems, so they tend to fall off the radar. Find out which are more likely to be significant in the latest Pharmacist's Letter Online Continuing Education and Webinars: Drug-Supplement Interactions