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This year, Young Pharmacist Chapter is collaborating with the Institute for Financial Literacy (IFL) to conduct a series of financial literacy workshops. IFL, is a collaboration between Singapore Polytechnic and MoneySENSE, providing educational and unbiased financial training programmes to improve the financial literacy of the public. We believe it is important for pharmacists, especially for those at the early part of their career to increase their own financial literacy level. This may translate to having a more informed financial behaviour and eventually improved financial situations.

To kick off the workshop series, we have conducted the first workshop on 9th January 2016, with the topic ‘Financial Planning Begins Now’. A total of 31 pharmacists participated in the workshop. The education workshop focused on economy, financial planning, its process, as well as how to assess one's financial situation and fitness. The participants were also engaged in a lively discussion with the speaker. Overall, the inaugural workshop was well received with valuable feedback given by participants.

We look forward to seeing you at our next workshop!

The session garnered positive feedback from participants.

Mr. David Tan, the speaker for our first financial workshop.

Mr Franky presenting the token of appreciation to Mr. David Tan.


Last but not least, this workshop is brought to you by the Young Pharmacists Chapter and the Institute for Financial Literacy.

Stay tuned for details on our next workshop!


Written by: Mr. Franky

Vetted by: Ms. Cindy Chew & Ms. Tien Li-Chen