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Aloha! It was the time of the year again where everyone should enjoy and relax, let their hair down and dance the night away! So, in conjunction with Christmas and New Year celebration, the Young Pharmacists’ Chapter (YPC) has organised a year end party to recognise PSS members' and volunteers' hard work and contributions to the society for the past year. Invitation was extended to all PSS volunteers, members as well as non-members. The aim of this event was to strengthen the bonds and build relationships between the society and the participants.

The event was held at Owl Bar @ Outram year on 27th December 2014 and the party was a poolside one. The whole atmosphere was relaxed and cool. This complemented the delicious food and the free flow drink, which made interaction easier for the participants. 

In all, the signup for the event has surpassed our modest expectations. Pharmacists, including the pre-registration ones, from various institutions made their way down to join the event despite the heavy rain on that evening. Overall, there was a lot of interaction between fellow pharmacists. We have managed to gather some feedback from the participants as well. Fellow pharmacists expressed their interests to know more pharmacists from different institutions and chapters. Some would love to bring along their spouses and partners. This would be factored into future YPC events. We are heartened to hear that most participants loved the atmosphere of the night and will definitely attend such events in the future. 

Special thanks to the council members (from left: Ms MikoThum, Mr Lim Mun Moon and Ms Joyce Tan) for taking your time off to attend this event. YPC appreciates your presence!

Also, YPC would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Galderma for their kind sponsorship of door gifts for our attendees of the night. 

Finally, the organising committee and YPC would like to thank everyone for their continuous support. We deeply appreciate all your efforts to make the society a great success this year.  We hope to see you at our future events. Stay tuned for more exciting events coming up! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Written by

Mr Anson Lim, Miss Tien Li-Chen