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Dear members,
In an effort to improve our services to you, we have introduced the online membership payment. Kindly read the below for more details:-
Ways to renew your membership:
  1. Online (payment via credit card)

If you wish to renew your membership online, you can do so by entering your 5-digit PSS number (number on your PSS card). Enter your password and you will be directed to a membership renewal page. Please see attached user guide for more details.

If you have forgotten your password or have not logged onto PSS website before, click the request password link. You will be prompted to enter your email. Please note that the email you have entered should be the one you have given PSS during your membership application/renewal updates. If you have forgotten this, please give us a call at 6221 1136. An e-receipt will be sent to your email. PSS will not be issuing any receipts for this mode of payment.

Kindly note that the amount to be paid will be indicated when you proceed with the renewal. If you have paid your membership dues annually, the annual fee should be $120. If you have defaulted, back dues of $60 will have been incurred (total $180 -maximum payable). Back dues would not have been incurred if you have written to PSS to terminate your membership.


  1. GIRO/Diners


If you have signed for membership renewal with GIRO/Diners, you need not do anything. Payment is deducted automatically in February of each new membership year. However, if you wish to cancel this mode of payment and use the other modes, please write in to request for cancellation of GIRO/Diners to admin@pss.org.sg before 31 Jan 2015. The payment receipt will be sent to you by end February 2015.


  1. Cash/Cheque


Cash or cheque payment is still available. For cash payment, please visit the PSS office from 9-6pm on weekdays to make payment. For cheque payment, please send your cheque (payable to Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore) to


Pharmaceutical Society of Singapore

Alumni Medical Centre

Second Level

2 College Road

Singapore 169850


As we are newly implementing the online renewal system, we apologise for any inconveniences that might have caused you. Thank you very much for your patience. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to call us at 6221 1136